Here's a math problem for you.
Gotham City and Paragon City are 200 miles apart.
A train leaves Paragon City for Gotham City, travelling at 40 miles/hour. At the same time, a
second train leaves Gotham for Paragon, travelling on the same track at 60 miles/hour.
A hero with super-speed leaves Paragon just ahead of the first train; he runs at 80 miles/hour
along the railroad tracks. When he reaches the second train, he instantly reverses direction
and runs back towards the first train. When he reaches the first train, he reserves direction
again. He continues running back and forth between the two trains until they collide and crush
him to a thin paste between them.
The question: How many miles did he run in total?
Give your answer in digits...if you think he ran 100 miles, then the URL would end in "100.shtml".